Love them or loathe them, emojis are part of how many people communicate. But what happens when they appear in professional contexts?

Want your workplace writing to be plain sailing? Be part of the plain language movement and join forces with practitioners around the world to magically transform your writing into texts that are more precise, more persuasive and more successful.

Workplace writing cannot succeed with a one-size-fits-all approach. Yet most of us enter the workforce having learned exactly that: the essay. Why do we use this approach and how does it limit successful communication?

When the Department of Human Services asked us to evaluate their website, we were delighted to find a government website that lives up to its name. It focuses on the humanss and makes it easy for them to find the services they need!

Workplace writing cannot succeed with a one-size-fits-all approach. Yet most of us enter the workforce having learned exactly that: the essay. Why do we use this approach and how does it limit successful communication?

Find the benefits of attending one of our Sydney writing courses. Our workshops help you meet an international standard for communication.

In business, every cent matters. But companies are still overlooking plain language. This communication method can save businesses millions of dollars.

Every year we hunt for the year’s worst words: the most cringe-worthy buzzwords, jargon, doublespeak and corporate spin.

Plain language improves transparency and clarity to support a healthy, functional and inclusive democracy that protects citizens’ human rights.

When the Department of Human Services asked us to evaluate their website, we were delighted to find a government website that lives up to its name. It focuses on the humanss and makes it easy for them to find the services they need!

Ever had a hard time understanding a bill? For Australian energy bills, this is a thing of the past with plain language billing guidelines.

Ever had a hard time understanding a bill? For Australian energy bills, this is a thing of the past with plain language billing guidelines.

Want to use ChatGPT like a pro? Talk to it like a human to get the best results from your prompts. And the best way to do that is to use plain language.

Wondering why your boss is leaving you on read? Read this article to discover the secret to great business writing.

Your reputation has never been more important. So how do you make your business stand out? One easy way is with plain language.

Is your message reaching everyone? Now’s the time to consider plain language. It supports equity, accessibility and inclusion.

If you're suffering from staffing cuts or need to improve productivity and efficiency at work, switching to plain language can help.

It's time to ditch the legalese and create plain language contracts that everyone can understand.

This standard includes principles, guidelines and techniques to help writers everywhere communicate clearly. But what does it mean for you?

After years of critically analysing emails – the good, the bad and the ugly – we’ve come up with 2 recommendations that will guarantee your email gets read.

In the age of instant messaging, do you still have to know how to write a business letter? Read our blog about how to write a formal letter.

Persuasive writing helps you get what you want. Whether you write marketing copy or policies and procedures, these persuasive devices are worth knowing.

Writing for government can be dense and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Our writing courses show you how to communicate clearly and quickly.

Report writing can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be. See how in our blog about writing reports using plain language.

Wondering why your boss is leaving you on read? Read this article to discover the secret to great business writing.

Grammar courses have a bad reputation and can strike fear into the most seasoned professional. But don't be anxious – we're here to help.

Our written communication courses can help you avoid the pitfalls of communicating at work. Let's start by looking at the curse of knowledge.

Plain English Foundation is excited to announce that EdventureCo has been certified as a B Corporation by global network B Lab.

Writing for government can be dense and difficult, but it doesn’t have to be. Our writing courses show you how to communicate clearly and quickly.

Why is website content writing so challenging? We’ve got you covered. Let's look at what you need to know about writing for the web.

In an exciting win for plain language, the US Senate has passed the Clear and Concise Content Act of 2022. One official says, ‘This bill does exactly what its name implies – it makes government communications easier to understand.’

Want to be an excellent communicator like it says in your CV? Then read on for information about our Brisbane writing courses.

Writing professionally is a critical skill in today’s workplace. The rise of remote work means that we communicate in writing more than we ever did before.

Want to ensure that what you write reaches more people? Our Perth writing courses can help you reach this goal.

In an age where AI can write for us, do we still need to be skilled communicators? Will a communication skills course improve your messaging?

You may not think you’re a technical writer, but most of us are. A technical writing course with us will help you do it at your best.

Want to join Victorian organisations already communicating clearly? Find out how with our Melbourne writing courses.

When 5 lions escaped their exhibit last month, the zoo released a statement blaming an 'integrity issue' for the breach. This was just one example of spin that caught our eye in this year's round-up of the worst public language.

So you want to writing in plain English, but you're not sure where to start? One of the most effective things you can do is replace complex words and phrases with a simpler, shorter alternative.

Our expert trainers and editors share their top tips to help you communicate clearly in all your writing.

Our editors have brought their plain language skills to many fascinating and influential projects. Here we share links to a handful that are available online, so you can see how we have transformed content across a range of genres and sectors.

We're thrilled to hear that New Zealand passed the plain language bill today. One MP said the bill is about 'having language that everyone and anyone can understand.' We couldn't agree more.

We worked with MusicNSW to create a plain English summary of the Raising Their Voices report. It presents important new research into sexism and discrimination in Australia's music industry and makes the case for some big, bold changes!

2021 was another year dominated by COVID-19, and it generated a whole new list of words we didn't know we needed, including ‘centres for national resilience’.

The Financial Services Council commissioned us to overhaul the Life Insurance Code of Practice. We created a new plain English document with big improvements in readability, usability and accessibility.

2020 was the year of COVID-19, and it generated some less than welcome words. The South Australia Government eased some coronavirus restrictions and allowed people in bars to drink while standing up… But then they dubbed this ‘vertical consumption‘.

We've taken a look back at the annual Worst Words winners from 2010-2020 to select the Worst Words of the Decade, and there was a clear winner.

As the moves toward cleaner energy gained momentum in 2019, the US Department of Energy decided to ramp up the spin. It rebranded natural gas as ‘freedom gas' and trumpeted its efforts to help export ‘molecules of US freedom' to the world.

2018 was a particularly poor year for corporate doublespeak and spin. When our national public broadcaster used the phrase 'external career development opportunities' to discuss firing its staff, it joined a long list of institutions incapable of using simple English to describe something difficult.

Political doublespeak dominated our 2017 list as things became seriously Orwellian in the US. At the top of the heap was the worrying ‘alternative facts', suggesting that politicians can be right even when they're wrong.

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