Our panels

Our training and editing services are available on several procurement panels across all 3 levels of government.

We’re on the Digital Marketplace Panel, which is open to agencies from all levels of government. We’re pre-approved to provide content and publishing services

We are pre-approved to provide plain English training and related services to all federal agencies. 

We are pre-approved to provide creative and digital communication services to all federal agencies.

We’re part of the NSW Government Prequalification Scheme SCM0005. Our training services are available in the Specialised Services section: training and development, training programs, leadership courses, skills development, capability reviews, assessment and development programs, knowledge management advice and support. Our editing services are available under the Internal Communications section: strategic and corporate communications and developing speeches and presentations for internal use. You’ll also find us under Infrastructure: stakeholder engagement and communication, technical writing and issues management. 

We’re pre-approved by Local Government Procurement to deliver IT&C products, services & consulting to all councils and local governments in NSW.

We’re a pre-qualified supplier of training services for Cook Shire Council, Queensland.

Part of the Lumify Group