Dr Elizabeth Beach

The secret to editing your work is simple: you need to become its reader instead of its writer.

Zadie Smith

Meet Elizabeth, a talented editor with a passion for plain language. She believes that clear communication is the key to connecting people and putting the human back into communications.

With an analytical mind and eagle eye, she specialises in putting the reader first to simplify complex content. If Elizabeth is on the case, you can rest assured that your message will be clear, concise and compelling.

Since joining our team, Elizabeth has worked with a range of clients, including NESA, Savills and the Professional Services Review agency. A particular highlight was working with MusicNSW to create a plain English summary of their report into sexual harassment within the Australian music industry.

She is an accredited editor and professional member of the Institute of Professional Editors (IPEd) and chairs its Mentoring Committee. Elizabeth has also been invited to join the judging panel for the prestigious Plain English Awards for 2023.

Professional qualifications

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology (Western Sydney University)
  • Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics and Psychology (University of Sydney)
  • Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (University of Technology Sydney)
  • Position


Part of the EdventureCo Group​