Jess Chehade

When you wish to instruct, be brief… Every word that is unnecessary only pours over the side of a brimming mind.


It all started with her grandparents’ migration stories. They nurtured storytelling, family, connection, food and memory. Jess’s passion for writing was born of these stories.

Like storytelling, plain English is rooted in clear and persuasive communication that inspires, motivates change and educates. Jess believes communicating clearly and with compassion enables others to share their expertise and knowledge, and connect without barriers. She uses the evidence and case studies of plain language experts globally to empower others to use their voice and impact social and cultural change.

Jess thrives on educating others in plain English strategies that help them build positive relationships with stakeholders, strengthen their teams and thrive in successful businesses.

Since joining our team, she’s helped organisations such as ANROWS, Essential Services Commission and NDIA to adopt plain English. Her training helps these organisations develop organisational consistency and drive their business objectives.

Professional qualifications

  • Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
  • Graduate Diploma in Literature and Creative Writing (Western Sydney University)
  • Bachelor of Communication (Western Sydney University)
  • Position


Part of the EdventureCo Group​